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1. Time is the most important resource. No need to wipe it, you can't rewind it. And yes, we have much less time than you think
2. Analyize everything you have done over the past year. I always do this for the New Year. It is important for me to understand whether I am changing, growing or not. If there are critically few changes, there is reason to think. I may be doing something wrong
3. Don't worry about what others think. This is your life! You don't owe anyone anything

4. Higher education is not always the path to success.  
5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. This is an experience. He is priceless
6. Do not compare yourself to anyone else, otherwise it will be difficult to do anything to the maximum. You will burn out. You only need to compare yourself with yourself
7. Don't run after guys. They're not worth it
8. People betray. None of us have any guarantees. It has always been and will be so. The main thing is not to break

9. Choose people who are examples for you. This is a direct reflection of you
10. Everything is in our hands. Laziness kills. Do not follow her lead
11. Listen to your parents. Sometimes they know more and they definitely don't want to make you worse.
12. You need to be able to let people go

13. If a guy forbids you to do what you love, dump that guy. Raise the sails and dare forward to your dreams, goals, favorite business
14. It is better to wash the pots after buckwheat immediately 😂
15. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach
16. Your best friend forever is yourself and your parents.
17. Health is the most important thing that each of us has

Of course, this list is not about life achievements. I just think that sometimes it is useful to stop like this and realize that you are not standing still. You gain experience, change and become better. And this is great. Never stop ♥ ️

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